-Moments like that just happens in movies, tv shows and in my life-
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jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
Busy busy bee
I woke super early got some grocery shopping to do then had lunch and ran to school, after classes I met B on campus she asked me to go with her to some art exhibition but first we head back to my dentist apointment-there was a oh no oh my moment outside campus reason begins with an A anyway the first gallery was closed we tried another one ,walk like thousand miles, we saw it pretty boring we left,as people pass us by with tickets on hand B got sad and angry because she wasn't going to the Oasis concert I tried to confort her by saying we weren's missing that much we were kids back then so we didn't exactly grow up listening that band as the 90's teenagers did-big fat lie I was dying to see them alive playing Little by Little and I listened to them since I was 8- well things got worst the oasis thing caused people to be stuck in traffic for hours .An hour later we stopped by to a cofee shop for some food and finally got home .
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
I spend all day redoing my bedroom and moving furniture it looks more spacious now! the most amazing think is actually loving doing things that most people hate like cleaning even if my back hurts -I went trough my old photo albums and found one that made me smile and the fact that radio played three of my favorites songs in a row has already made this day special-I didn't mentioned that Always love by Nadasurf was featured on today's Samantha who episode If I could explain all those feelings that song brings up to me..
Still hungry
martes, 28 de abril de 2009

I just love...
+ when my favorites songs are played in unexpected random situations like today in the bus the driver and his good music taste, this time was The Cure's and his" But I just keep on laughing hiding the tears in my eyes" -priceless baby.
+even though I hate labels, being the cardigan girl in skinny jeans and cool tee is kinda fun.
+that Carolina Liar song and new music from this season.
+I want a drawer full of pretty underwear
+eating apple pie while watching private practice and grey's anatomy +fruit color cereal
to be continued..
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
middle of nowhere
viernes, 24 de abril de 2009
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
back of the van.I know that you are leaving
On wednesday I spend the afternoon eating fruit salad ,reading and listening to the altern version of the Indie Rock Playlist from April 09 it was a pretty good mix full of adorable songs,Today the camera obscura one ,was on the radio I'm considering that my hometown radio is constantly sneaking into my personal playlists to get some inspiration crazy right?
Thursday -went to school for an hour class-the weather was very hot so didn't know what to wear-went for the safe bet tee and cropped jeans -I was running late -I jumped into the bus-I got that proximity feeling and I was so damn right- couldn't help to smile when signs are all around - then the feeling got lost-I wore my sunglasses all day -
Song:Back of the van-Ladyhawke
martes, 21 de abril de 2009
Bus stop, wet day, she's there I say
Some radio station plays only 90's at 2am is easy falling sleep listening to all those "grown up songs" I liked as a child and somehow had major influence on me/I had a test today went well I guess/everybody has somebody to walk with I don't/Girls in denim jacket/I heart that berger guy from satc/ I stay until my class ended ,skip picking up copies , bought a take out sandwich and all that lead to what many people like to call coincidence I'd rather call it "meant to be".
Ps:don't ask me why
domingo, 19 de abril de 2009
I won't contact anybody they will have to reach me if they feel like talking or losing me -I will spend this incoming week logg off ,pampering myself probably get some manicure or a new nail polish( just because) walking alone with my ipod ,catching up with homework ,decorating my room, buy a phone card , start a new book maybe , print pictures...
Looking depressive weel you better discover theselby and get inspire
sábado, 18 de abril de 2009
viernes, 17 de abril de 2009
No magic powers today
These days...listening Sick of Sarah and Company of thieves , craving for some coffee and chocochip cookies but eating lots of white bread instead ,having a quiz on tuesday doesn't help either but I have many tv enterteinment , my nails are long enough for agood manicure but I just want them short and in a light purple shade ,I'm desperate for new songs, buying clothes and wear knee socks with oversized shirts and long cardigans to some party.
jueves, 16 de abril de 2009
She's the pioneer
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
The sun in my skin
A new week started I feel good/dentist removed my stiches on monday/my best friend is sick, boring and texts me funny stuff in facebook/ there was a sex and the city marathon I only watched two of them my head needed to rest but that episode "Carrie's pimple episode" haha was so hillarious have flashbacks when a pimple decide to pop out back in high school and mom allowed me to skip classes /I realized how easily is talking to strangers now that we are all grown ups with some inmature exceptions/ I remember Fashion tv still alive thanks to eye-catchy Maria Bonita collection and I'm in love with that Company of thieves song.
Ps: Isabelle Mcnally she dates the guy from The Virgins love her messy homeless look even though she's a rich kid :)
domingo, 12 de abril de 2009
sunday chills

I went to sleep with B's ipod on -I admire the fact she has timeless music that reminds her good and bad stuff from the past- I got some memories back too like when I heard in her playlist an old Hillary Duff song we secretly loved since the very first moment we secretly went to see "A cinderella story" in 2004 - Mom brought me a muffin -We watched 90210 and I try to explained to her who was the pregnant chick but she said all those girls look the same in that show-We also remember the times we watched Laguna Beach and laugh everytime a person's name appear followed by a label (Lc's father, Cameron's mom) -I found an old picture I took in 2006 from my lost photobucket account-I missed the times when Grey's Anatomy was aired in sunday's afternoons -Today's song was Crack the shutters
Ps:I like this tee is from cobrasnake
sábado, 11 de abril de 2009
tv babe

While zapping I found Clueless and couldn't resist to it I love that movie even if I wasn't a teenager in the 90's - my best high school friend called me, we talked for an hour about silly things and tennis lessons- Privileged and American Idol - B came over she bought me frozen yogurt -Foo fighter's cover of Arcade fire's keep the car running made my day I even tape myself dancing to it in a towel(I was just coming from the shower)and have the camera ready like it knew it was gonna be played on the radio.
Ps1:This picture is from 47street fall/winter 09
PS2:About missing my old friends I actually contacted one of them sometimes it feels good to be the one who makes the first move makes you look mature.
viernes, 10 de abril de 2009
summertime blues

Today it's like those days when you hate the routine and wonder how can you waste the best days of your life between movies and computer, wonder why can't you find a good part time job and search the reasons why you don't have a boyfriend I'm just praying for the bad feeling to go away I just need to find little joys that last forever
Ps: I'm missing my ungrateful/forgetful old friends who once swore we'll be besties til dead that's why I post this picture from the new Sophomore lookbook reminds me of them.
miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009
denim jacket

I spend my afternoon watching What I like about you , that show is geniusly funny , I used to like Holly's outfits girly tees and fitted jackets oh my sixteen year old brain was so pure back then well here is what I'm into now look how lovely is Kate Bosworth she looks like she's going to take the bus and get to that english class at college. I'm glad she wasn't carrying a coffee
martes, 7 de abril de 2009
too many pills
domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
I still remember

Now I'm leavin to watch some random movie til 3:30 am that's when I'll be taking my antidepresive i mean analgesic pill for my tooth extraction then I'll just go to bed ,close my eyes ,create wild love stories as kele's voice climbs inside my mind.
viernes, 3 de abril de 2009
Those little thoughts
jueves, 2 de abril de 2009
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- ► septiembre (1)
- TimesLikeThese
- Busy busy bee
- rearrenger
- itfeelssoright
- middle of nowhere
- is in his nature his misbehaviour and misdemeanours
- back of the van.I know that you are leaving
- Bus stop, wet day, she's there I say
- Loner
- I'm into now
- No magic powers today
- She's the pioneer
- The sun in my skin
- sunday chills
- tv babe
- summertime blues
- denim jacket
- too many pills
- I still remember
- Those little thoughts
- Paint my nails like you do